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Active thermographic inspection combined with laser cyclic heating and Fourier transform processing

Authors: Yusuke Takenaka (Tokushima University) , Masashi Ishikawa (Tokushima University) , Hideo Nishino (Tokushima University) , Takeo Kato (Bethel Co., Ltd.) , Tetsuya Otsuki (Bethel Co., Ltd.)

  • Active thermographic inspection combined with laser cyclic heating and Fourier transform processing


    Active thermographic inspection combined with laser cyclic heating and Fourier transform processing

    Authors: , , , ,


In this study, active thermographic inspection of CFRPs using laser cyclic heating combined with Fourier transformation technique was examined. By using long-time cyclic heating, large heat energy is input into the test objects at a specific frequency that agrees with the cyclic heating frequency. Then, the specific frequency component is extracted by Fourier transform. By using the transformed data, higher inspection capability than the conventional active thermographic methods (such as pulse thermography) should be achieved. Results of experiments for a CFRP specimen with some artificial defects showed that defect detectability was significantly improved in phase images constructed from the Fourier transformed data when its frequency corresponds the frequency of cyclic heating. These results suggest the proposed method is a promising way for convenient active thermographic inspection technique with high inspection capability.

How to Cite:

Takenaka, Y., Ishikawa, M., Nishino, H., Kato, T. & Otsuki, T., (2019) “Active thermographic inspection combined with laser cyclic heating and Fourier transform processing”, Review of Progress in Quantitative Nondestructive Evaluation .

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