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Antimicrobial Use, Resistance and Residues

Productive Performance and Salmonella Seroprevalence in Pigs Supplemented With Organic Acids

  • Manuela Roldan-Henao (CES University)
  • Anders Daalsgard (University of Copenhagen)
  • Nora Cardona-Castro (CES University)
  • Lina Restrepo-Rivera (CES University)
  • Luis Carlos Veloza (CES University)
  • Lis Alban (Danish Agriculture & Food Council)


The objective of this pilot study was to evaluate the productivity and Salmonella seroprevalence in pigs supplemented with organic acids (OA) compared to pigs given growth promoters in one farm in Colombia. Two groups of 60 pigs were studied during 4 months. The intervention group was provided with OA (Selko pH® and Selacid®), while the control group received antimicrobial growth promoters (zin bacitracin and tylosin). Pigs where weighted five to calculate daily weight gain (DWG) and feed conversion ratio (FCR). At three different times (T1-T3) blood samples were taken. At T2, the seroprevalence of the intervention group was significantly lower in contrast with the control group (19% vs. 47%, P<0.001), although at T1 and T3, the seroprevalence of the pigs did not present a significant difference between the groups (1,7%; P=1 and 62% vs 77%; P=0.075). The FCR was not significantly different between groups (2.80 vs. 2.77; P=0.144). The cumulative DWG was significantly higher in the intervention group (713g/day) compared with control group (667g/day; P<0.001). The study indicates that administrating OA and cleaning water pipes improve productivity in pigs and delay exposure to Salmonella spp. when compares with growth promoters.

How to Cite:

Roldan-Henao, M., Daalsgard, A., Cardona-Castro, N., Restrepo-Rivera, L., Veloza, L. C. & Alban, L., (2023) “Productive Performance and Salmonella Seroprevalence in Pigs Supplemented With Organic Acids”, SafePork 14(1). doi:

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