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Maintaining Food Safety in the Face of Workforce and Educational Challenges

Food Safety Risk Communication: A One Health Approach To Improve Knowledge and Practices Along Pork Value Chains in Vietnam

  • Sinh Dang-Xuan (Hanoi University of Public Health)
  • Trang Le-Thi-Huyen (International Livestock Research Institute)
  • Hai Ngo-Hoang-Tuan (International Livestock Research Institute)
  • Hung Nguyen-Viet (International Livestock Research Institute)
  • D. Grace (International Livestock Research Institute)
  • Hung Pham-Van (Vietnam National University of Agriculture)
  • Huyen Le-Thi-Thanh (National Institute of Animal Science)
  • Phuc Pham-Duc (Hanoi University of Public Health)
  • F. Unger (International Livestock Research Institute)


Food safety has attracted great public concern worldwide and ensuring food safety requires multi-sectoral collaboration. One Health is an integrated, unifying approach that aims to sustainably balance and optimize the health of people, animals and ecosystems[1]. It mobilizes multiple sectors, disciplines, and communities to work together to tackle threats to health and ecosystems, while addressing the need for clean water, energy and air, safe and nutritious food, taking action on climate change, and contributing to sustainable development. A One Health Joint Plan of Action was launched in 2022 by the Quadripartite—the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), the World Health Organization (WHO), and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH, founded as OIE). This considers food safety to be one of six essential areas needed to safeguard the health of humans, animals and the environment[2]. Risk analysis is the gold standard approach to assuring food safety and is traditionally considered to comprise food safety risk communication (RC), risk assessment and risk management (CODEX). Risk communication, in particular, plays a crucial role to disseminate the information and knowledge on risks amongst scientist, managers or policy makers and community. This study aimed to improve food safety knowledge and practices among pork value chain actors, relevant stakeholders, and consumers to prevent foodborne illness using risk communication.

How to Cite:

Dang-Xuan, S., Le-Thi-Huyen, T., Ngo-Hoang-Tuan, H., Nguyen-Viet, H., Grace, D., Pham-Van, H., Le-Thi-Thanh, H., Pham-Duc, P. & Unger, F., (2023) “Food Safety Risk Communication: A One Health Approach To Improve Knowledge and Practices Along Pork Value Chains in Vietnam”, SafePork 14(1).

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