Thirty species of Pleistocene non-marine Mollusca occurred in the 5 extinct lakes studied in northeastern Wisconsin. Of these, 5 are fresh water pelecypods, 18 are fresh water gastropods, and 7 are terrestrial gastropods. The mollusks were studied both quantitatively and qualitatively. Each deposit was sampled at 2-inch intervals except the Mountain deposit which was sampled at 8-inch intervals. All the deposits are located on drift of either the Cary or the Valders substage of the Wisconsin glaciation. Three of the deposits are located along the north-south trending Mountain morainal system, one is to the west of it, and one is to the east.
How to Cite:
Roy, E. C., (1964) “Pleistocene non-marine mollusca of Northeastern Wisconsin”, Sterkiana 15(1), 5–77.
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