This paper reviews the ecological literature on the fresh-water clam Margaritifera margaritifera (Linnaeus), and presents original observations on a population in the Kettle River near Boyds, Stevens Co., Washington. Data are summarized on habitat, substratum and water depth, stream velocity, shell attitude and orientation, turbidity, temperature, desiccation, light, lime, population density, seasonal behavior, associated organisms, reproduction, and duration of life. The value of several shell characteristics in drawing ecological conclusions in ethnomalacological and paleoecological works is discussed. References cited constitute a bibliography of margaritiferid ecology plus a selected number of references on freshwater pearls, pearl fisheries, systematics and paleontology of the Margaritiferidae.
How to Cite:
Roscoe, E. J. & Redelings, S., (1964) “The ecology of the fresh-water pearl msusel Margaritifera margaritifera (L.)”, Sterkiana 16(1), 19–32.
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