Longitudinal Influence of Online Consumer Knowledge on Millennials' Sustainable Clothing Consumption
The purpose of this study was to contribute both theoretical and practical insight by characterizing the longitudinal effects of repeated exposures to online sustainable clothing consumer knowledge. One-hour qualitative interviews were conducted three times during six months in 2016 with 35 Millennial participants. During their interviews, participants were exposed to online sustainable clothing consumer knowledge for five-minutes by using the independent sustainable clothing informational website ProjectJUST.com, which is now offline. Participants were iteratively clustered into four groups based on the behavior changes they described using Andreasen's (1995) stages of change social marketing segmentation model. Segmentation findings supported Andreasen's model. There were only two groups who's behavior changed, and this study, therefore, suggests that a set of more nuanced persuasion strategies that target each of these two groups individually are needed.
Keywords: sustainable fashion, sustainability, social marketing, segmentation, purchase intention, green consumers, consumer behavior, clothing
How to Cite:
Portway, S., Lewis, T. L., Broussard Allred, S. & Frank, R., (2020) “Longitudinal Influence of Online Consumer Knowledge on Millennials' Sustainable Clothing Consumption”, Sustainability in Fashion 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.31274/susfashion.11420
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