Experimental Characterization of Plastic Hinge Behavior from Flexure and Axial Effects
- Ronit Sthapit (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
- Matthew Bandelt (New Jersey Institute of Technology)
The unique mechanical properties of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) causes changes in failure modes and ductility in reinforced components. Numerous experiments have shown these materials, and others with similar ductile characteristics in tension, can improve the damage tolerance, strength, and ductility of members subjected to large deformations from seismic loading and similar extreme conditions. The use of these materials, however, has not been systematically studied to understand their application at a system-level performance and design procedures have been complicated due to their unconventional failure mechanism. This project aims to fill this gap by testing a targeted set of components subjected to combined effects of axial loads and bending with variations in axial load ratio and longitudinal reinforcement ratio. Additional experiments are planned to compare performance across other ductile concrete materials with variations in mechanical properties. The experimental results including load-deformation, reinforcement strain, concrete surface strain will be used to understand the parameters that have the highest influence on plastic hinge length and moment-rotation response which can ultimately help to validate analytical models against experiments based on these key parameters.
Keywords: plastic hinge, moment rotation
How to Cite:
Sthapit, R. & Bandelt, M., (2023) “Experimental Characterization of Plastic Hinge Behavior from Flexure and Axial Effects”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 3(1): 77. doi: https://doi.org/10.21838/uhpc.16690
Rights: © 2023 The Author(s). All rights reserved.
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