UHPC Bridge Deck Overlays: Feedback of Two Realizations on French Motorways
- François Toutlemonde (Gustave Eiffel University)
- Christophe Aubagnac (Cerema)
- Benoît Clément (Cerema)
- Benjamin Terrade (Gustave Eiffel University)
- Romain Pittet (APRR)
Until recently, on-site implementation of UHPC overlays on concrete bridge decks has not been a popular technique in France, where experience has been rather gained on precast UHPC solutions. However, recent experience of UHPC overlay on-site implementation on two large motorway bridges in central-Eastern France (Burgundy Region), with special requirements of watertightness, durability, and for one of the cases, structural strengthening brought by the thin reinforced UHPC layer, has emphasized specific issues for which special care has to be taken so that ensurance can be given to the client that attractive promising rejuvenation/strengthening projects are satisfactorily realized and conformity to the durability expectation is provided. These issues include among others : constituents storage conditions, the UHPC mixer(s) power and capacity, rules of admixtures on-site adjustment depending on climate variations and control through fresh UHPC testing, the placement and finishing tools, workmanship education and availability. Experience in the UHPC consistence and mechanical performance sensitivity to these site conditions has been gained at a rather large scale. With this experience, guidance for appropriately following the NF P18 451 French Standard (execution of concrete structures – special rules for UHPC) can be drawn in terms of contractual management within the French context of stakeholders responsibilities, UHPC performance specification and control, selection of the most proper offer with reliable description of UHPC implementation, delays for qualification, content of the suitability testing stage, anticipation of production rate, placement control etc.
Keywords: bridge deck, overlay, on-site UHPC production, quality control
How to Cite:
Toutlemonde, F., Aubagnac, C., Clément, B., Terrade, B. & Pittet, R., (2023) “UHPC Bridge Deck Overlays: Feedback of Two Realizations on French Motorways”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 3(1): 94. doi: https://doi.org/10.21838/uhpc.16701
Rights: © 2023 The Author(s). All rights reserved.
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