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The First UHPC Piles Project in Ontario, Canada

  • Philip Loh (Facca Incorporated)
  • Sri Sritharan (Iowa State University)
  • Kam Ng (University of Wyoming)
  • Don Gardonio (Facca Incorporated)


Through a Change Proposal, Facca Incorporated was approved by the Ontario Ministry of Transportation (MTO) to replace the as-tendered steel H-piles by the UHPC piles for supporting the west abutment of the Lily River Detour Bridge. The 11.8 in. deep UHPC piles were designed and installed at the west abutment based on the previous successful development and testing of a tapered H-shaped pile at Iowa State University in partnership with the Iowa Department of Transportation. The east abutment, as tendered, was designed to be supported by six steel H-shaped battered piles driven to bedrock. For the west abutment, six UHPC piles were produced and installed using the same batter. Since the site contained occasional boulders and the design intent to drive the piles to bedrock, the UHPC piles were fitted with steel shoes. All piles were successfully installed to reach the targeted load bearing capacities. After the replacement bridge was constructed, the detour bridge was removed and the UHPC piles were extracted to examine the conditions of the piles. This presentation will provide details of the innovative design of the piles, fabrication and driving of the piles, and lessons learned from analyzing the driving data and removal of the piles. As well, a comparison of the environmental impact of the UHPC and steel piles will be provided.

Keywords: UHPC, bridge piles, strength, durability, precast, steel shoes

How to Cite:

Loh, P., Sritharan, S., Ng, K. & Gardonio, D., (2023) “The First UHPC Piles Project in Ontario, Canada”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 3(1): 124. doi:

Rights: © 2023 The Author(s). All rights reserved.


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