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Seismic Performance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Structural Members: A Review

  • Yi Shao (McGill University)


Compared to conventional concrete, Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC) features low porosity and a low water-to-binder ratio, which leads to superior mechanical strength, especially under compression. The addition of steel fibers grants UHPC high material ductility under both tension and compression. UHPC often shows pseudo-strain hardening behavior under tension after first cracking and gradual softening behavior under compression under crushing. These superior material-level performance make UHPC promising for seismic-resistant infrastructure, which attracts increasing research efforts. This presentation is intended to summarize the collective knowledge that the research community has gained and to identify future research needs. It reviews (1) UHPC cyclic performance on the material level, (2) seismic performance of reinforced UHPC flexural members, including beams and columns, (3) shear-dominant members, covering structural walls, and (4) the behavior and design of UHPC beam-column joints. It concludes with key challenges and opportunities for the research and professional community.

Keywords: ultra-high performance concrete, earthquake engineering, review

How to Cite:

Shao, Y., (2023) “Seismic Performance of Ultra-High Performance Concrete (UHPC) Structural Members: A Review”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 3(1): 125. doi:

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