Material Property Evaluation of Different Commercially-Available UHPC-Class Materials
Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is emerging as a viable solution for a wide variety of engineered infrastructure applications, including structural elements, retrofits, and field-cast connections. The U.S. Federal Highway Administration has a strong interest in investigating the properties of UHPCs for applications in the highway infrastructure, particularly in regard to the use of UHPC as a field-cast grout to complete the connections between prefabricated bridge elements (PBEs). The structural concrete research group at the federal Highway Administration Turner-Fairbank Highway Research Center (FHWA-TFHRC) is currently conducting a study on the performance of five different, commercially-available UHPC-class materials. This paper focuses on the materials-level behavior of these different UHPC products; emphasis is placed on properties that are critical to PBE connection applications. These properties include flowability, setting time, strength gain, dimensional stability, and bond to precast concrete. Results indicate that these materials behave similarly with respect to some performance measures such as compressive and tensile strength, but vary with respect to others such as dimensional stability and bond to precast concrete.
Keywords: UHPC, bond strength, dimensional stability, fresh and mechanical properties
How to Cite:
Graybeal, B. A., De La Varga, I., Yuan, J. & Haber, Z., (2016) “Material Property Evaluation of Different Commercially-Available UHPC-Class Materials”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 1(1). doi:
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