Elimination of Positive Pattern Production in Geometrically Complex UHPC Forms
The boundary conditions of Architectural design in UHPC are shaped by three parameters; the design software, the mold, and the characteristics of the material itself. Both the software and UHPC have kept up with the need for ever expanding design in Architecture but the mold work used to create these pieces is still built in the same way as it was decades ago. Newer mold systems do exist but at a great cost to the budget of the project. This paper will explore the parameters of the mold and how new technologies can be utilized to create more complex precast shapes, however in a more simplistic and cost effective manner. The methodologies explored will be the development of double curvature geometries through a two way structural grid system, reconfigurable molds using servo pin orientation, and 3D printer technologies for mold production. Each of these strategies renders the creation of a positive prototype no longer necessary, and streamlines the process for creating complex precast pieces. By standardizing the complexity of mold creation, a new range of custom compound designs can be realized and the technological constraints that have defined the design rules thus far will shift.
Keywords: complexity reduction, double curvature, reconfigurable pattern, architecture, ultra high performance concrete, ductal, UHPC, mold
How to Cite:
Henry, K., Swarts, M. & Al-Haddad, T., (2016) “Elimination of Positive Pattern Production in Geometrically Complex UHPC Forms”, International Interactive Symposium on Ultra-High Performance Concrete 1(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.21838/uhpc.2016.123
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