1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Concurrent Sessions

Relationships Between Physical Textile Properties and Physiological and Subjective Comfort Measures During Human Wear Trials of Chemical Biological Garment Systems

Catherine Andersson, Elizabeth M. Crown and Julie F. Tremblay-Lutter

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Body Image and Idealized Images

Linda B. Arthur

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

The Feminist Body as Engendered Space

Linda B. Arthur and Charlotte Kunkel

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Design Collaboration Between Industry and Academia and Campus to Campus

Susan Ashdown

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Mass Customization- An Experiment in Design and Production

Susan Ashdown

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Sizing and Fit

Susan Ashdown

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Independent Retailers in Massachusetts: Can They Meet the Challenge?

Martha G. Baker

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Profiling Consumer Interest in Mass Customization

Melissa Bierdon and Lenda Jo Anderson-Connell

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Knowledge, Attitudes and Behavior of Parents of Pre-School Children About Sun Protection

Catherine Black, Jeanne Heitmeyer, Kay Grise and Christine Readdick

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Industry Partnership for Enhanced Learning Opportunities: A Junior Loungewear Line Developed by Fashion Students

Phyllis Borcherding and Hanna Hall

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Acquisition Source Use in Multiple Fashion Product Categories: A Comparison of Anglo and Hispanic Consumers

Lynn Brandon and Judith C. Forney

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

The New York Dress Institute: A Collaboration Between Unions and Manufacturers

Sandra Stansbery Buckland

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Shared Learning Via Electronic Conference and Email

Brigitte Burgess and Linda McGoldrick

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Teaching With “Seinfeld” Clips: Their Use, Yadda, Yadda, Yadda, Student Learning

Leslie Davis Burns and Joanne Cavin

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Satisfaction With Trousers Developed From the Canada Standard Sizing System and the ASTM D5586 for Women Aged 55 Years or Older

Lorna Campbell and Lena Horne

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

POS Demand & Sewn Product Manufacturing Response

Carol G. Carrere

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

U.S. and Japanese Female University Students’ Attitudes Toward School Uniforms

Catherine A. Cerny, Hiroko Takabu, Joann F. Boles, Takako Hayashi and Mieko Inomato

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Using the Fashion Count To Introduce Consumer Behavior, Group Behavior Theory, and Research Techniques to Undergraduate Students

Wanda K. Cheek and Cynthia R. Easterling

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Ray Diffractometric Study of the Effects of Laundering on the Microcrystallite Size of Naturally Colored Cotton

Hsiou-Lien Chen

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

The Relationship Between Student Learning Style and Test Performance

Runying Chen

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Effects of Product Image on Consumer’s Purchase and Consumption Processes

H. Jessie Chen-Yu and Doris H. Kincade

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Textile Dyes From Renewable Resourcesng Response

Sheila Chmuhalek

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Apparel Retail Firms’ Sourcing Governance Choice: Shared vs. Integrated Mode

Jinsook Cho

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Consumer Behavior in Rural South Korean Communities

Yun-Jung Choi and Nancy J. Miller

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Collaborative Designer Inspiration Project Utilizing the Application of Information and Principals From Historical Costume, Fashion Design, and Marketing Coursework

Janace Clarke and Roxanne Precopia

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Creative Use of Inspiration Sources for Design Development

Janace Clarke

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Synectics: A Creativity Exercise

Stephanie Clemons

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Collaboration: A Key to Effective Learning

Diane Cone and Diane Phillips

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Making the Connection: Historic Costume and Merchandising

Diane Cone

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Scottish Dress in the Construction of Ethnic Identity

Tara C. Crane, Jean A. Hamilton and Laurel E. Wilson

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Seminar in Customer Service: From Theory to Practice

Christy A. Crutsinger

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Human Rights Issues and Afghan Women’s Appearance: The Conflation of Gender, Ethnicity, and Religion

M. Catherine Daly

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Prototype Development and Design Process for a Full Body Protection Military Uniform

Claudia Deaton and Cindy Istook

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Consumer Motivations for Purchasing Apparel From Socially Responsible Businesses

Marsha A. Dickson

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Strategic Partnerships in the Textile and Apparel Complex

Lorynn R. Divita and Nancy L. Cassill

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Teen Magazines’ Influence on the Socialization and Identity of African-American Girls

Devona L. Dixon and Marianne C. Bickle

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Figure Skating Apparel: Design for Functional, Expressive, and Aesthetic Needs

Nancy Drennen

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Retail Buyers and Consumers: Purchase Decision Behavior for and Satisfaction With Apparel

Molly Eckman, Marianne Bickle and Antigone Kotsiopulos

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Effects of Instrumental Weathering on the Color of Naturally Colored Cotton

Janet Evenson and Helen H. Hepps

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Identifying and Understanding Cultural Influences in Business Communication: Cross-Cultural E-Mail Communication Project

Becca R. Farr and Mary A. Littrell

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Gender and Innovation in the South African Clothing Industry

Diane Flaherty and B. Lynn Salinger

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

The Influence of Liking To Shop on Hispanic and Anglo Consumers’ Retail Patronage

Judith C. Forney

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

A Price Comparison for Identical Merchandise at Manufacturers’ Retail Apparel Outlets and Traditional Retail Stores

Deborah Fowler and Richard Clodfelter

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

A Comparison of the Effect of Repeated Launderings and Detergent Use on Performance of Environmentally Improved and Classic Denim Fabrics

Amy Fox and Mary Ann Moore

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Embedded Community Relationships as a Competitive Strategy for Rural Retailers

Barbara Frazier

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Sanctions for Dress Code Violations in Secondary Schools

Elizabeth W. Freeburg, Jane E. Workman and Elizabeth S. Lentz

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Desks, Drawers and Dilemmas: The Hidden Meanings Behind Schiaparelli’s Desk Suit

Robyn Gibson-Quick

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

World Class Merchandising for a Consumer-Centric Organization

Fay Gibson and Dianna Vass

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Shadowing: A Program of Career Discovery and Development

Linda K. Good, Judy Osbun, Patricia Huddleston and Jessica Davis

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions

Fabric Utilization and Recycling Practices in Sewn Products Manufacturing

Maureen Grasso and Dianna Vass

1999-01-01 1999 • Concurrent Sessions