Developing Open Access Journals: A Practical Guide
As the founder of Medical Education Online, a peerreviewed open access (OA) journal that has been in existence for 15 years, David Solomon is able to offer useful advice based on extensive experience in the field of electronic publishing. Developing Open Access Journals: A Practical Guide aims to outline the necessary skills and steps involved in implementing and sustaining an OA publication. Although published in 2008, this remains a comprehensive manual to electronic publishing, offering timely, relevant advice regardless of the software used or the subject matter of the journal. The text consists of 10 chapters, divided into three parts, which provide succinct, clear advice for those new to the publishing field. There is an abridged, online version (, but since it is a 17-page summary of a 200-page book, it should be considered an introduction rather than an electronic counterpart.
How to Cite:
Bakker, C., (2012) “Developing Open Access Journals: A Practical Guide”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 1(1), eP1028. doi:
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