Embedding Repositories: A Guide and Self-Assessment Tool
As the number of institutional repositories continues to grow, the conversation is evolving from how to establish a repository to how to make a repository integral to the operations of an institution. In an effort to create a coherent synthesis of previous studies, literature, and best practices on the topic of embedded repositories, the Joint Information Systems Committee’s Repositories Support Project has developed a free online service called Embedding Repositories: A Guide and Self-Assessment Tool. As the title suggests, this guide serves as a resource for users wanting to transform an existing repository into an integral part of an organization’s processes, systems, and culture.
How to Cite:
Wyngard, M. I., (2012) “Embedding Repositories: A Guide and Self-Assessment Tool”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 1(1), eP1039. doi: https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.1039
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