“Free to All”: Library Publishing and the Challenge of Open Access
There is a significant and important responsibility as libraries move into the role of publishing to retain our heritage of “access for all.” Connecting and collaborating with colleagues in the publishing industry is essential, but should come with the understanding that the library as an organization is access-prone. This article discusses the complexities of navigating that relationship, and calls for libraries and publishers to embrace and respect the position from which we begin. Finally, the article forecasts several possible characteristics of what “publishing” might look like if libraries press the principle of access in this growing area.
How to Cite:
Vandegrift, M. & Bolick, J., (2014) ““Free to All”: Library Publishing and the Challenge of Open Access”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 2(4), eP1181. doi: https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.1181
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