Creating Structured Linked Data to Generate Scholarly Profiles: A Pilot Project using Wikidata and Scholia
INTRODUCTION Wikidata, a knowledge base for structured linked data, provides an open platform for curating scholarly communication data. Because all elements in a Wikidata entry are linked to defining elements and metadata, other web systems can harvest and display the data in meaningful ways. Thus, Wikidata has the capacity to serve as the data source for faculty profiles. Scholia is an example of how third-party tools can leverage the power of Wikidata to provide faculty profiles and bibliographic, data-driven visualizations. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM In this article, we share our methods for contributing to Wikidata and displaying the data with Scholia. We deployed these methods as part of a pilot project in which we contributed data about a small but unique school on the Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus, the IU Lilly Family School of Philanthropy. NEXT STEPS Following the completion of our pilot project, we aim to find additional methods for contributing large data collections to Wikidata. Specifically, we seek to contribute scholarly communication data that the library already maintains in other systems. We are also facilitating Wikidata edit-a-thons to increase the library’s familiarity with the knowledge base and our capacity to contribute to the site.
Keywords: Wikidata, linked data, open data, Scholia, scholarly profiles
How to Cite:
Lemus-Rojas, M. & Odell, J. D., (2018) “Creating Structured Linked Data to Generate Scholarly Profiles: A Pilot Project using Wikidata and Scholia”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 6(1), eP2272. doi:
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