A Team Approach: Library Publishing Partnerships with Scholarly Societies
INTRODUCTION The journal publishing service at the University of Florida George A. Smathers Libraries is structured to use a team-based approach that integrates subject specialists across the library. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAM Since 2012, the UF Libraries have worked in partnership with a number of scholarly societies to publish their research. The focus, to date, of academic library publishing on institutional publications belies potential partnerships with scholarly societies and organizations external to the library’s institution. Services provided, challenges faced, and examples of successful publishing partnerships with UF Libraries are described. The team approach enables the library to be innovative and nimble in response to publishing opportunities. Scholarly societies most interested in entering publishing contracts with the Libraries publishing program are those that share aspects of the library mission such as accessibility and innovation. NEXT STEPS Academic library publishing offers unique partnership opportunities for scholarly societies and external organizations that are mutually beneficial and that complement library publishing of institutional material.
Keywords: scholarly communications, academic library publishing, library journal publishing
How to Cite:
Stapleton, S. C., (2019) “A Team Approach: Library Publishing Partnerships with Scholarly Societies”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 7(1). doi: https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2326
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