OER Initiatives at Liberal Arts Colleges: Building Support at Three Small, Private Institutions
INTRODUCTION Liberal arts colleges (LAC) are arguably ideal environments for the use of open educational resources (OER) given their shared emphasis on innovative pedagogy and individualized learning. However, library-led OER initiatives at LAC have just started to make progress. LAC librarians have very few models or sources of advice to which they can turn when planning OER initiatives suitable to their particular institutional context. DESCRIPTION OF PROGRAMS In this article, librarians describe their experience promoting and supporting OER usage at three small, private LAC, each at a different stage in developing formal programs to assist faculty interested in adopting and creating OER. The authors discuss strategies employed, obstacles encountered, and lessons learned, providing practical advice for achieving OER success in the LAC environment. NEXT STEPS The authors believe practical advice for the LAC context will benefit librarians at various stages of OER program implementation.
Keywords: open educational resources, liberal arts colleges, open access, open pedagogy, OER, scholarly communication
How to Cite:
Schleicher, C. A., Barnes, C. A. & Joslin, R. A., (2020) “OER Initiatives at Liberal Arts Colleges: Building Support at Three Small, Private Institutions”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 8(1), eP2301. doi: https://doi.org/10.7710/2162-3309.2301
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