Creating Institution-Wide Awareness of, and Engagement with, Open Scholarship
INTRODUCTION Strategies for how, when, and why to communicate on the topics of Open Scholarship (OS) are many and varied. Here, the author reflects on how a small, regional university library went from a low knowledge base of OS to having OS more thoughtfully and thoroughly considered across many aspects of scholarship. DESCRIPTION OF APPROACH The author discusses how, over a three-year period, the library turned OS from being seen as a topic only the library deals with, to a nuanced conversation present across many levels of a university. This was done in three broad stages: first, upskilling librarians; second, reaching out to others working in this space and creating conversations across campus; and third, broadening conversations to different audiences whilst beginning to embed OS in institutional practices. NEXT STEPS Collaborative engagement across various levels has worked well for this university. The library will continue this approach to further embed OS in the culture of the institution while looking to further collaborate across the institution, and working with colleagues and OS advocates in other organizations, groups, and bodies.
Keywords: Open Scholarship, Open Access, Scholarly Communications, Outreach, Tertiary Library
How to Cite:
Colla, E., (2020) “Creating Institution-Wide Awareness of, and Engagement with, Open Scholarship”, Journal of Librarianship and Scholarly Communication 8(1), eP2387. doi:
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